
Learn about Stress

What is Stress

It refers to the reaction that occurs in the body due to external stimuli. (From e-Health Net, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
Good sleep is necessary for stress tolerance, and being relaxed just before sleep? is important.
Our company visualizes this through autonomic nervous system analysis.

What is stress visualization?

Stress is said to be the cause of all illnesses, but unfortunately, there is still no method to determine stress with strong evidence.
We chose to visualize the state of stress at the time of falling asleep from the viewpoint that "if you are not relaxed at least right before going to bed, you are carrying over stress to the next day.

Based on the theory of Professor Kuratsune of Osaka Public University, which was derived from over 20,000 cases of data, we determine stress by analyzing the situation immediately before going to bed.

How to become more resistant to stress!

In the real world, reducing everyday stress is not easy. Stress caused by school, work, commuting, etc. is limited to what an individual can do to reduce it.
However, we believe that we can improve our stress tolerance by improving the quality of our sleep. We believe that it is possible to improve stress tolerance by improving the quality of sleep.

Our company hopes to help people get a good night's sleep by improving their sleep apnea and other sleep apnea symptoms, and by helping people relax when they fall asleep.

On the other hand, if you do not have sleep apnea and are relaxed when you fall asleep, but your sleep quality is poor (you are not relaxed), you may want to consider reviewing your bedding.

How to Read Reports
Brain Fatigue/Stress Judgment

Grade A

Brain activity is maintained and you are fully relaxed.

If your brain fatigue/stress is "A" but you are not relaxed during sleep, try to get a good night's sleep by reducing alcohol consumption or choosing bedding that suits you.

Grade B

The situation is not a good preparation for sleep.

Try your own relaxation methods, such as cutting back on alcohol in bed, practicing breathing meditation, trying yoga, or burning aromatherapy. In addition, doing light exercises upon waking or taking a hot shower may help improve your condition.

Grade C

Brain fatigue and stress are elevated, and you are not in a good state to sleep.

Try relaxation methods that suit you, such as refraining from drinking alcohol in bed, practicing breathing meditation, trying yoga, or burning aromatherapy. It is recommended to refrain from light stimulation of the brain, such as TV and smartphones, for an hour before sleep if possible. In addition, doing light exercises upon waking or taking a hot shower may help improve your condition.

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